
How to Visualize & Build Your Dream Life

A FREE mini-course guiding you on becoming aligned with your goals, visualizing them, and creating your dream life.

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How to Visualize & Build Your Dream Life

A FREE mini-course guiding you on becoming aligned with your goals, visualizing them, and creating your dream life.

Get Started

Sign up for the New Moon Holistic Life Newsletter and receive my free mini-course,
How to Visualize & Build Your Dream Life!

This FREE mini-course is for you if:

  • You are open to a holistic lifestyle and perspective.
  • You are unfulfilled with your current day-to-day life.
  • You feel like your life is on autopilot.
  • You are open to new concepts, meditation, and learning new science.
  • You are ready to commit to yourself and your personal development, and you want to dedicate your time to create a new reality.

How to Visualize & Build Your Dream Life

A free course in New Moon Holistic Life's school, Moonrise Academy

  • Are you feeling stuck in your life or your job, or are you unsure of what your bigger picture goals are?
  • You may feel like you are struggling with your goals because you have self-limiting beliefs.
  • You may have feelings of anxiety & stress about your future, or maybe you're unfulfilled with your current lifestyle.

It doesn't have to be this way.

After taking this course, you will feel:

  • Inspired to create your dream life.
  • Empowered to set goals that get you there.
  • Excited about waking up in the morning.

You will have a clearer picture of what your goals are and the reality that you want to create for yourself. You will learn and understand how visualization works, you will create your very own visualization script, and you will learn how to practice your script so that you can manifest your dreams.

This course will teach you to trust the journey that you are on while creating your new reality.

Sign up for the Newsletter by completing the form below, and your course access will be emailed to you once you confirm your subscription!

As a part of the New Moon Holistic Life Newsletter, you will receive:
  • Access to How to Visualize & Build Your Dream Life
  • The month’s topic and blog article
  • Affirmations and guided meditations
  • Exclusive coaching videos only for subscribers
  • Additional resources I recommend such as other blog articles, yoga videos, podcasts, books, and more.
Sign up for the New Moon Holistic Life Newsletter